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'autumnal' - Stock Photos and Vectors - Search

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View of autumn foliage in the mountains - Colorful autumn landscape
Closeup of some colorful leaves on a tree - Colorful autumn leaves
Closeup of a fence next to an autumn forest - Wooden fence
A nice lake surrounded by pine trees in Transylvania, Romania - View of the Lake Sfânta Ana
A garden in autumn with big, colorful trees - Autumn trees
A very nice, castle-like building on the lake shore - Beauty by the lake
Beech forest in autumn with big rocks - Rocky autumn forest
Beech forest in autumn with big rocks - Autumn in the forest
Big rocks in a forest covered with moss - Mossy rocks
Sunny day in the autumn forest - Autumn forest
Closeup of a big stone covered with moss - Mossy stone
Autumn forest on a mountain - Autumn wood
A rapid mountain stream with autumnal scenery - Rushing mountain stream
Detail of a garden in autumn - Autumn garden
Asphalt road leads among trees - Country road
Two garden ponds on the autumnal mountain - Two little ponds
Beautiful view from a mountain garden in autumn - Autumn landscape
Some colorful leaves of a tree in autumn - Autumn leaves
Trees in an autumnal forest - In the autumn forest
Yellow autumn leaves on the ground - Dead fallen leaves
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