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'mountains' - Stock Photos and Vectors - Search

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White luxury private yacht on the Mediterrain sea - Luxury yacht
A beautiful mountain with houses - Beautiful mountainside
Peaks of a mountain embrace an ice cold, crystal clear pond. - A tiny pond in the mountains
A small rapid river among big rocky mountains - Rocky river
Dolphin swimming in the Adriatic sea - Dolphin wing
View from a motorboat on the lake - Cruising
Nice clouds on the blue sky over the mountains - Nice weather
Columnar rocks and a boulder in the mountains - Rock columns
Foggy mountains in Ciuc (Csík), Transylvania over 1600 metres. - Foggy Mountains
Cloud-covered mountains in Ciuc (Csík) above 1600 metres - Mountains in the cloud
Chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra) on the autumn hills in the Ciuc (Csík) Mountains, Romania. - Chamois on the hill Terkő
A concrete road is winding on the plateau, leading towards the mountains - A road into the distance
Ruins of an old castle wall on a hill in the mountains - Castle ruin on the hill
Apple on a wooden rail in the mountains - Apple on the rail
Two chamois bucks (Rupicapra rupicapra) in the mountains in Transylvania. - Alpine chamois
Clouds between the volcanic mountains - Cloudy mountains
Aerial view of a range of mountains - Snowy range of mountains
Barbecue in the mountains after an exhaustive hiking - Barbecue
Sunrise in the cloud-covered Eastern Carpathians (Romania) - Sunrise in the Snowy Mountains
Paragliding in the Barsov mountains, Transylvania (Romania)
 - Paragliding
Mediterranean bay with reflecting mountains - Kotor
A tarn in the mountains - Small mountain lake
View of autumn foliage in the mountains - Colorful autumn landscape
A nice lake surrounded by pine trees in Transylvania, Romania - View of the Lake Sfânta Ana
View of a modern concrete viaduct - Viaduct
A brown horse grazing on the mountain pasture - Lonely brown horse
A big artificial lake with a bird's eye - Reservoir
A beautiful landscape with a nice range of mountains - Mountainous landscape
Mountains from a bird's eye view - Wooded range of mountains
Artificial pond in a garden in the mountains - Garden pond
Beautiful mountains with pine forest and cloudy blue sky - Pine peak
Monuments photo, Gesztes castle was built in the 1300s. - Várgesztes
medieval monuments, Csókakő village of the tenth century settlement. - Csókakő
Renaissance-style castle, built in the 19th century. - Füzérradvány
The reflection of the sky on the lake - Mirroring
An ice-cold pond in the mountains with a nearby summer resort. - A mountain lake
A beautiful valley with a big nice mountain range - Beautiful valley
Three chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra) in the mountains - Three chamois
View of mountains with colorful fall forest - Autumn in the mountains
View of a valley between the mountains - Looking down
A man and a cat are hiking in the mountains - Faithful hiking companion
View of some rocky peaks in the mountains - Mountain view
A green field with trees and pasture. - Summer in the mountains
A green field with trees along the road. - Summer in the mountains
A green field with a settlement in the background. - Summer in the mountains
Rocky shore of a lake with white rocks - Rocky shore
View of the lime stone rocks of Trascãu Mountains - Trascãu Mountains, Transylvania, Romania
A mountain range on a sunny winter day - Winter mountain range
Photographed in the Matra mountains in Hungary, near the village Paradsasvar. This is a wonderful place in the autumn. - Autumn forest
Misty mountain range with nice light rays - Misty mountain range
White cloud over the Peruvian mountains - Mountain in the Andes
Purple rhododendrons circle a twisting dead tree. Mountains in the distance. - Beauty of the mountains
Snowy mountains in the Andes - Andes
Two hunters watching the territory in the mountains, clouds in distance - Hunters on watch
A cold, autumn lake in the mountains - Mountain lake
View of Trascãu Mountains in Transylvania - Trascãu Mountains
View of the range of the Trascau Mountains - Trascau Mountains
Great view to the mountains of Andes from Machu Picchu - Machu Picchu's terraces
The colorful mountains with a beautiful clear sky - View of Trascau Mountains
The colorful Trascau Mountains in Transylvania, Romania - View of Trascau Mountains
View of a valley in the Trascau Mountains - Trascau Mountains
Abandoned salt mine in the mountains, covered with greenery - Rocky mountain in summer
A big lake among mountains - View of a lake
Blossoming trees on the green slopes. - Spring has arrived in the mountains
Two horses on the meadow before alps - Horses
Green fields with slopy mountains in the background. - Summer in the mountains
A wide stream between hills - Wide stream
Snowy pine trees in the mountains with blue skies and clouds. - Winter in the mountains
A wide river meanders in a canyon - Big river
On a rocky riverside with lush vegetation - On the bank of a river
A big rock in the backwash of a stream - Sharp river bend
A range of mountains with clouds - Mountain with clouds
A big snowfield in the mountains - Snowfield
Detail of a big reservoir - Reservoir
The breathtaking Turda Gorges in Transylvania, Romania.  - Turda Gorges
View from the stern of the boat - Looking back
Ruins of a castle flooded by water - Ruins in the water
A river is winding through the mountains - River bend
A nice scenery with the sun - Our biggest star
A nice view from the prow - Cruising in the canyon
View of the mountains on a clear winter day - Trascau Mountains in winter
A river with stones in the mountains - Stony river
A rapid stream in the mountains - At the mountain stream
Man picking blueberries in the mountains - Blueberry picking comb
Autumn mountain forest in the Eastern Carpathians  - Autumn forest in the mountains
Barns in a mountain village - Barns with beautiful background
Shepherds summer accommodation place in the Harghita Mountains - Wooden house
View of a beautiful tarn in the mountains - Beautiful tarn
View of a nice mountain lake - Mountain lake
Log cabin in the Harghita Mountains - Log hut
A small fjord with beautiful rocks - Fjord
A fjord with beautiful green hills - Green fjord
A lodging house with beautiful carved porch - Lodging house
Nice mountains in the slovenia Alp - Stone peaks
Mountain serpentine in the Carpathians - Mountain serpentine
Mountains, river, castle and a pilon of the old bridge in Kotor - Kotor
White cliffs in the summer mountains of the Carpathians - Cliffs in the mountains
Mountains in the Mediterranean region partially covered with vegetation - Mountain and sky
Scattered pine trees on a winter field - Pine trees in the snow
Horses at the river in the Eastern Carpathians - Horses at the river
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