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Microphone with stand flat icons on simple color square backgrounds - Microphone with stand square flat icons
Paint kit outline flat white icons on round color backgrounds - Paint kit outline flat round icons
Music waves flat icons on rounded square vivid color backgrounds. - Music waves rounded square flat icons
Microphone color flat icons in rounded square frames. Thin and thick versions included. - Microphone outlined flat color icons
Headset white icons on edged square buttons in various trendy colors - Headset white icons on edged square buttons
Spotlight studio reflector front view solid darker flat icons on color round background - Spotlight studio reflector front view solid color darker flat icons
Microphone with stand flat color icons in square frames on white background - Microphone with stand flat framed icons
Microphone with stand outline darker flat icons on color round background - Microphone with stand outline color darker flat icons
Director chair outline flat color icons in round outlines. 6 bonus icons included. - Director chair outline flat color icons in round outlines
Microphone with stand round color beveled buttons with smooth surfaces and flat white icons - Microphone with stand beveled buttons
Microphone round color beveled buttons with smooth surfaces and flat white icons - Microphone beveled buttons
Clapperboard engraved icons on edged square buttons in various trendy colors - Clapperboard engraved icons on edged square buttons
Microphone flat icon set on color square background. - Microphone square flat icons
Smartphone film cut color flat icons in rounded square frames. Thin and thick versions included. - Smartphone film cut outlined flat color icons
Set of color Music waves glass sphere buttons with shadows. - Music waves glass sphere buttons
Movie voice dark push buttons with vivid color icons on dark grey background - Movie voice dark push buttons with color icons
Microphone icons in color illuminated spherical glass buttons on black background. Can be used to black or dark templates - Microphone icons in color illuminated glass buttons
Easel with blank canvas icons on round color glass buttons - Easel with blank canvas color glass buttons
Microphone with stand flat color icons in round outlines on white background - Microphone with stand flat icons with outlines
Movie production flat color icons in square frames on white background - Movie production flat framed icons
Presentation table with candlestick chart flat icons on simple color square backgrounds - Presentation table with candlestick chart square flat icons
Sound bars multi colored flat icons on plain square backgrounds. Included white and darker icon variations for hover or active effects. - Sound bars square flat multi colored icons
Music waves icons on round luminous coin-like color steel buttons - Music waves luminous coin-like round color buttons
Movie production white icons on round color glass buttons - Movie production color glass buttons
Voice document flat white icons in square backgrounds. 6 bonus icons included. - Voice document flat white icons in square backgrounds
Voice document white flat icons on color rounded square backgrounds. 6 bonus icons included - Voice document flat icons on color rounded square backgrounds
Records directory engraved icons on edged square buttons in various trendy colors - Records directory engraved icons on edged square buttons
Movie production flat color vector icons with shadows in round outlines on white background - Movie production icons with shadows and outlines
Single microphone engraved icons on rounded square glossy steel buttons - Single microphone rounded square steel buttons
Director chair outline simple icons in color rounded square frames on white background - Director chair outline simple icons
Microphone with stand multi colored flat icons on plain square backgrounds. Included white and darker icon variations for hover or active effects. - Microphone with stand square flat multi colored icons
Microphone with stand white icons on edged square buttons in various trendy colors - Microphone with stand white icons on edged square buttons
Set of color square framed microphone flat icons on white background - Microphone framed flat icons
Earphones multi colored flat icons on plain square backgrounds. Included white and darker icon variations for hover or active effects. - Earphones square flat multi colored icons
Easel with blank canvas dark push buttons with vivid color icons on dark grey background - Easel with blank canvas dark push buttons with color icons
Headphones multi colored flat icons on round backgrounds. Included white, light and dark icon variations for hover and active status effects, and bonus shades. - Headphones round flat multi colored icons
Clapperboard flat icons on rounded square vivid color backgrounds. - Clapperboard rounded square flat icons
Movie roll vivid colored flat icons in curved borders on white background - Movie roll vivid colored flat icons
Sound bars white flat icons on color rounded square backgrounds. 6 bonus icons included - Sound bars flat icons on color rounded square backgrounds
Voice file flat white icons on round color backgrounds. 17 background color variations are included. - Voice file flat white icons on round color backgrounds
Podcast file type simple icons in color rounded square frames on white background - Podcast file type simple icons
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