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Closeup of some randomly scattered vine branches - Vine branches
Closeup of a gopher on the ground - Gopher
A lonely capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) standing in the sun - Capybara
A gopher is standing and eating - Eating gopher
A gopher is watching his food - Little gopher
Telezoom shot of a prairie rodent - I am hungry
An edible dormouse (Glis glis) on a branch - Edible dormouse
Closeup of vine branches and some bark - Vine branches and bark
Closeup of vine branches and some bark - Vine branches and bark
Fisherman holding a nice, big pike - Nice catch
Two little capibaras (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) lying in the shadow - Capibara cubs
A single capibara standing in the sunlight - Capibara
A big, yawning capibara lying on the ground - Capibara
A ground squirrel standing and eating his food - European ground squirrel
A ground squirrel is looking for his food - European ground squirrel
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